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Manažer výroby, interim manager

We are searching top managers for factories

Interim management

Our mission

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Welcome to our website! Our mission is to provide critical support to manufacturing businesses to reach their full potential. We are here to help them solve everyday challenges and achieve lasting success. We try to find the best talents for your teams, we offer quick solutions to unexpected situations with the help of interim managers, and we provide long-term quality advice for your prosperity. Together we are building a stronger future for the manufacturing industry.

We are experts for all areas that companies may need. Company management, strategy, expansion, production and its processes, logistics, purchasing, health and safety, lean production, change management, finance and accounting, business and many other areas...

Interim management

We solve challenging tasks for you

We are a provider of interim management services, we help companies find and engage qualified interim managers in their teams. Our services enable quick and efficient filling of key positions and management of transition periods in the organization.

Working on laptop computer, network, technology, communication, business, laptop, data, ty


Dodáváme IT specialisty formou bodyshopu, na krátkodobé úvazky, nebo celé projekty. Máme dlouholetou praxi v IT. Pracovali jsme na rozsáhlých projektech a plnili složitá zadání našich klientů. Stavěli jsme největší videoplatformy v zemi.​

Interim manager

Headhunting & Executive search

We have a very personal approach and maximum commitment. If you are looking for new talent to join to your work team, we are here to simplify, speed up and facilitate this task as much as possible. Ask for our services and let us find you the best candidate.

obchodní konzultace


Our consultancy specializes in four key areas:growth, stagnation, decline and succession.

Our services are regular and long-term cooperation, which is very cost-effective for our clients. Every week we spend one day directly at your company to jointly solve the daily agenda, identify opportunities and develop a strategy for achieving your goals.

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